65. Single Review of Crazy Friends by Towse
Originally Published November 19th About the Artist What is the best thing about indie music? I know if I ask that question to twenty people, I could probably get twenty answers. I would almost bet money that the twenty answers would all come back to the answer that is in the question: Independence. Creative freedom! Since starting Fifteen Minutes of Fame, I have listened to so many artists; not one group sounding like another. I love that more than anything else. For instance, today I am listening to an alt pop duo, Towse . Same genre as my last review. Except Towse, the alt pop duo, classify themselves as folk pop and they feature (pause for dramatic effect) an IRISH FIDDLE. The fusion of these two genres is something so spectacular and I never knew it was missing in my life. But now that I’ve heard it, I don’t know what I would do without it. Seriously. Towse are based in London, but it doesn’t sound like they spend a lot of time there. They (Grace Fellows and Corwin Zekley) have