95. February Recap
Originally Published on February 28th Not for nothing, February may have been one of my favorite months doing Fifteen Minutes of Fame. I was excited to see artists coming together to nominate each other for the chance to be reviewed but I had no idea it would be as moving as it was! I am going to find a way to incorporate this more often. For starters, I am going to dedicate one review per month to the February posts to ensure I get to as many of them as I can. Thank you all for being the community I thought you were. February, as always, is a short month. With the volatility of our nation’s politics, ethics, working in a position with a financial company as the well-being of our national economy hangs in the balance, and moral standards behaving as if they were planets in a solar system that suddenly just lost gravity, snow storms, a loss of a dear family member, and sharing time while being hard at work on recording my second ever full-length studio album, it is safe to say that...